
Quantum physics and confirmations

Quantum physics is changing the reality game and showing us that the mind plays a huge role in what counts as real. Quantum theory puts forth the assertion that reality only becomes real when observed by an observer. The universe consists of an infinite number of overlap The odds of finding a particle in a given location at a given time. The probability waves of each particle only collapse into a specific reality once they are observed. Hence, the world is full of possibilities that only become real once we notice.

If quantum physics describes the state of every particle on Earth, then quantum physics also describes our minds. Think of each of them though as you make an overlay note. Every thought is a choice of observation. At every moment we choose what ideas we should have and, from the perspective of quantum physics, we make that idea a reality. Likewise, when we think about our environment, our career, our relationships, our health, etc… we make choices about what to observe, and once observed, observation becomes real.

For example, suppose you look outward and choose to contemplate the abundance of beauty, the truth is that your perspective is beautiful. However, if your choice is to note all the leaves that you will have to remove in the fall, the environment will be very different indeed.

Quantum physics states that we have a choice as to what is real. Affirmations can help you make positive choices about reality. When you consciously choose what to affirm, you are making an observation. You increase the probability of the overlay you confirm. Once you open your mind to abundance, health, love, and joy, you are more likely to see this reality in your notes.

The assertions become especially powerful when you look at the Quantum Zeno effect, which is a principle in quantum physics. The Quantum Zeno Effect states that a quick repeated observation can keep a state stable for longer than usual. In fact, if it is observed long enough the condition can become permanent. Our minds, our thoughts, are in constant natural change. When we choose to bring our attention to a particular thought, we generate the strength to keep the thought present and always in our mind. We have the ability to create new virtual neural connections in our brains. If we can hold a thought long enough and with conscious attention, according to the Quantum Zeno Effect, we can permanently change our state of mind. Repetition of affirmations can play a role in creating a lasting positive state. Imagine a life with positive thoughts, a positive attitude, and a positive reality.

Affirmations take focus and effort. Saying something three times and expecting a new life will not produce results. However, there is real, valid, powerful, and proven scientific power in using continuous positive thinking to change reality. Quantum physics shows us that there are a number of possible outcomes; You have the power to choose.

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