
The wisdom and spirituality of ancient Norse quantum physics

The world’s oldest traditions tell us that long ago all peoples inherited a set of sacred truths.

The laws of spiritual quantum physics tell us that everything that has been or will exist is in the timeless, spaceless quantum ocean, which is, in fact, the mind of God.

This wisdom has always existed and exists now. It just has to be taken out of the quantum periphery, dusted off and presented in language more appropriate to the new age of Aquarius.

The Age of Aquarius is a new energy introduced to all humanity on the planet. He will be with us for 2000 years.

The wisdom of Old Norse with its myths, rituals and esoteric philosophy is wine in ancient bottles,

You can’t put the new wine (energy) of the Age of Aquarius into these old Pisces bottles (the last 2000 years).

For modern northern Europeans seeking the wisdom and knowledge of their ancestral spirit, we need new vials. A new understanding of myths and rituals is needed. We need to do this ourselves.

It’s time to delve into the essence of the inspiring meaning, hidden in Norse mythology using the language of modern times and the spiritual laws of quantum physics.

For the Norse poets or skalds, the interaction between gods and giants represented the interaction of spirit(s) and matter(giants) through palace after palace of planets and solar spheres within the domain of each Father Odin.

The modern science of spiritual quantum physics has given us a broader view showing us that Odin’s domain of All the Father is just one small field in the infinite field known as the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God.

It is the well-known Volsupa or Sibyls prophecy that tells of the formation of worlds, and of Odin’s search for wisdom in the spheres of matter (the Quantum Ocean), and when the gods withdrew and the Earth no longer existed.

This is explained in the spiritual laws of quantum physics by the concept of “flashing in” and “flashing in” of everything that exists in the quantum ocean.

‘People blink in and out’ (reincarnation), animals, plants, planets, the sun, solar systems and according to ancient Aryan Brahmin philosophy, so does the whole universe when God breathes.

Everything exists and never dies and everything “flashes in and out” on its own schedule.

When Odin hung on the windswept tree for nine nights, he paid a sacrifice price that allowed him to see the runes within the Quantum Ocean, where they had always existed for eons, and cast them out.

We are building a new way for our loved ones to understand Old Norse wisdom and runes.

Everything is energy. We live, move, and have our being within an infinite and timeless space, a lower point called the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God.

Our job, as kin, is to “think” our way into the quantum ocean and take out this old Norse wisdom and put it into new vials.

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